Tuesday, 10 March 2009

How to navigate your way around the tricky 7th at Stoke ParK Golf Course, by using mental rehearsal

This is taken from the Club Membership Newsletter, which Tom Bushnell writes for each month, giving their Golfing members a Mental Edge on their game.

To put you in the picture Stoke Park Golf Club's signature hole is the 7th (12th at Augusta was modeled on it) It's a must hit green par 3.

On the left side there is a steep bank down to two bunkers which run the almost the full length of the green, which also slopes sharply from left to right. Right of the green is another steep bank down to several teardrop lakes. Short of the green is another lake. Back Tee 176 yards, Yellow Tee 150 and ladies tee 130.

Miss left and the next shot is in the water, miss right and your in the water. Hit the green and a three putts on the cards -

As you will see this is potentially a very tricky hole. Here are some mental tips that can be applied when tackling this hole.


Tiger Woods is quoted as saying that "90% of Golf is in the mind". We think in pictures. When thinking about a potentially tricky hole such as the 7th here at Stoke, take a few minutes to
rehearse visually in your mind how we are going to play it.

Try this: Get into a relaxed state, close your eyes if you want to start to vividly imagine yourself playing the perfect hole on the 7th. Breath deeply, stand tall, shoulders back, chest out, head up, eyes slightly raised, shoulders relaxed, nice and loose. See in your minds eye you teeing off perfectly, seeing the ball land exactly where you want it. Then seeing yourself chipping onto the green and the ball landing 2 foot from the hole, imagine this perfectly in your mind. Then vividly see yourself putting into the hole to make par....feel how good it feels, and with a big smile on your face, breathe in and say to yourself "YES". then play this same new mental movie in your mind over once more, and this time breathe more deeply, stand a little taller, feel more confident, make the movie image brighter, crisper, more colourful and vibrant. Hear the sound as you play your perfect shots, make those sounds clear and resonant. Do this same process at least 5 times, preferably 10 times the night before your round and 5-10 times in the morning before your round.

In summary:

1. Only visualize and focus on what you want to happen. The ball going exactly were you want it to, in the hole.

2. The mind and body don't know the difference between something that really happened and something that is vividly imagined. So do this well and your mind and body will feel like you have hit 10-20 perfect holes on the 7th.

3.Be relaxed and have fun with it!

Tom provides one on one mental coaching for Golfers. He can be contacted on 07976 221052



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